From behind the mask, so many hide and live life never letting the world see the gentle souls they are!
Then from behind a glamorous mask of success they hide the pain … the ultimate greed … the mask of life’s cruelty … covered up and acted out on man and beast. Glamour is believed to be the ultimate success even when they growl to show earthly “win, win.” Emptiness is their motto. Fear is their beast … never thinking to be free…calling greed and ultimate selfish deceit. Even for self they are merciless and “more, more,” “me, me.” The mask - is it self deceit?
The New World Order is like a giant spider’s web. The controllers of the New World Order, including heads of select major governments, comprise the spider. They operate behind the scene with their puppets in place to do their bidding.
The spider is made up of those who benefit from war (weapon’s manufacturers who are intertwined with heads of governments and super powers), who use banking, credit cards and health care systems to track and control the masses, who introduce global police forces trained by the former Hitler regime, who control through fear and manipulation (religions), who put greed and self-interest above the regard for human life (pharmaceutical companies), who have total disregard for mother earth or the disasters they wreak upon her and her inhabitants, who intentionally introduce disease and contamination to suppress people’s immune systems and kill them off, and whose agenda it is to eliminate 80% of the world population with the remaining population in bondage as controlled slave labour - a population which has lost all rights and freedoms. Those who are of superior intelligence are afraid to speak about the knowledge of the wheels driving super power economies for fear of losing their lives. Yet, it has been proven that countries can thrive economically without involvement in war and war activity (such as Canada in the past 60 years).
The spider weaves its web meticulously with barely visible nets to capture its prey. The victims do not always know they have been captured until they try to extract themselves from the web’s clutches. The spider believes it calls the shots for it has entrapped its victims. It believes it rules supreme and can have its prey for breakfast, lunch and dinner. But a spider’s web is fragile and can easily be wiped out by the Great Spirit itself, by mother earth, and by those who come from afar to assist in preserving the planet. The web is not a permanent fixture and it will not last! Without its web, the spider soon shrivels and dies.
Only those who are capable of spiritual reasoning will be able to have the insight to understand what has been created, the danger of the future and the harmony that can be created through spiritual awakening and empowerment, without hatred and war.
For H.H. Hehpsehboah A.’s extensive prophecies, see
Be your own perfect soul and heal. Have peace.
Upon rising in the morning, face the rising sun. Inhale deeply from your diaphragm. Exhale.
Drink a glass of warm water. Have a teaspoon of pure vegetable oil. Think ‘grateful of life’ thoughts.
Take four FLW multi-vitamins a day. Take 10 drops a day of Strauss Heart Drops, which have garlic and herbs to clear and clean your arteries. Strengthen your heart and life. Breathe from your diaphragm. Think of peace. Clear your mind to appease your soul and spirit. Do this for one month. See how you feel.
Be strong and free of anger. Live life to heal your spiritual life. Do good deeds, Help the poor. Visit shelters. Volunteer. Support children. Be kind to elderly. Help in pet shelters. Find your path of living. End the unhappy “me” society. Seek to give peace. Practice good thoughts, good words, good deeds and no killing to bring peace. Say no to wars. Become vegetarian.
Many have a full pocket and an empty heart. Instead, have a full overflowing heart of love … and prosper.