The spiritually wise and evolved are not worldly blind. They see the poverty, wars, abuse, religious and material entrapments and manipulations taking place upon the planet. They are not tools of the agendas of those from the New World Order.
Are the ones who head the New World Order descendants of the Anunnaki or are the Anunnaki Gods themselves still here upon the planet today,controlling the masses through religions or their belief systems? The Anunnaki enslaved people in the past. Is it their agenda to have mass enslavement once again? I will speak about this at length soon.
In politics or in life in general, slander leaves no path of honour for those who slander and it tarnishes their gilded crowns for eternity. If you are the one(s) and the shoe fits, it is time for change. Don’t do what you would not want done to you. Truth and fairness are for change. Now is the time to stand for peace by bringing home the troops, caring for the veterans and their families and for the hundreds of thousands of impoverished living on the streets.
True spirituality stands for warm hearts, clear minds and pure actions.
Wishing the best to Mr. and Mrs. Barack Obama and to our American neighbours for their choice for change and for empowering peace and building hope. Mr. Obama emerged Democratic front-runner in winning the Iowa caucus to pick US presidential candidate.
See also, for my Jan 10/08 comments re Mr. Obama.
Come all colours. Seed the seeds of peace. In every heart there is love and laughter for our planet. There is forgiveness for all to receive. I wish an awakening of gentle being. It is now that the “me, me,” “must have” ends. The seeds of happiness are growing and great healing will now come. Seed with me laughter. Be one. All - be free. Come smile together and say no to rage and hatred. Come, love as one around the planet.
I call upon you to join us to bring change! Come and care again as one. The planet is not coming to an end. Have no fear.