Come listen to me now and be still. I am talking within you. Hello. I am here within. I am not far away but here right now. Hello. I am calling you. I am the one who created you. Are you listening? You are my clonings of my energies - male and female. I am always within you. I am the All of the All creations and within all .. from fishes to birds .. from mountains to trees. I am in all that is. You are never alone. Don’t be afraid. Life is forever. The one need you have is not to meet on the hour of death but to come to meet me now - right now. Change and be true to who you are and we can meet now. You can change the mistakes and start the new you with love, loads of kindness and childlike pure love for all that was created. Even you who are part of me, all your day long you call me. You are one spirit, one soul, one mind, one body, one brain and one God. By inspiration you live life after life (what you would call death) and we are even then like one.
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