A call to you. Free to be yourself. The call to be free of threats and fear mongering and to come to know pure spirit within and to know you are a loving soul and of pure mind. Use your body to manifest your greatest good. It is the hour to come to realize that now is your time as a divine being, for you are a perfect creation born free from hatred and victimization of others who were misguided or trained by those in pain and hatred. Come to be the one in the know and to be the activated mind of all good actions, as Zarathustra did leave as a message for all on earth. Celebrate the coming of the Creator to our planet - not as Jesus or a prophet but as the All of the All. Now is the time to claim self through rejecting past pains and dealing with the good one you are - forever free of the fear mongers and free of all material controlling and the “must haves.” Now you are in the time of wisdom. Understanding and salvation is in you. It is the time of the great return to our Creator. Love all created - all colours, religions, single by choice, partnered or married. Be free of labels. Celebrate life. Be free. Be yourself. Be pure soul.