The people of planet earth need to hold freedom to the greatest value in order to celebrate peace. If we sell out to those of greed, we will lose our economic and personal freedom and all will end up in war and poverty. When we are not savvy
and hold onto all human rights, we will lose our freedom. When we are
made to believe we need a totalitarian regime, it would be surrendering
our free will for a supposed cause of anti-terrorism but ending up
entrapped. There are two types of terrorists. One is the homegrown
elected or non-elected governmental body - the one who would take your
freedom under the guise of protecting you. The other is the terrorist
who comes to attack whether as a fanatic or by design of someone’s
covert agenda. No government should be able to arbitrarily label or
hold any person who is not guilty of a crime. Free will is freedom and
peace. Don’t lose your liberty.